Equipment, consumables & feeds

Fish nets

Nets are a key item for any aquatic facility. ZEBCARE a wide range of dip nets of various sizes and mesh sizes. fas fasd fasd fas

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Fish feeders

ZEBCARE has developed reliable disc feeders for feeding fish in larger tanks for f.e. feed trails.

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Weighing scales

A wide range of scales are available for weighing fry samples, fish feed samples, etc.

Equipment, consumables & feeds


Our range of brushes and other tools allow thorough cleaning of lab space and systems.

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Fish feed

High quality Skretting husbandry feeds for all live stages of a wide range of fish species can be supplied upon request.

Equipment, consumables & feeds


Reliable spawning results for African catfish and other species using OVAPRIM. Superb spawning agent.

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Water test kits

Easy-to-use water quality test kits using colorimetric methods for on the spot determination of important water quality parameters

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Handheld meters

Measuring oxygen, pH, conductivity and other water quality parameters real-time is easy with our range of handheld meters.

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Probes & Fluids

Electronic probes for e.g. pH and cond. determination need regular exchange. ZEBCARE provides these probes, including other types.

Equipment, consumables & feeds

Artemia system

ZEBCARE offers a wide range of Artemia hatching systems with a capacity of 8 liters tot 1000 liters.

System components


ZEBCARE offers a wide range of pumps, for freshwater and seawater, for every purpose.

System components

PVC fittings

We have a wide range of PVC piping and fittings in stock to connect the different parts of a fish farm.

System components

Filter media

Filter media for trickling filters, fluidized bed, submerged fixed bed and sedimentation filters

System components


Automated mechanical filtration with drumfilters in RAS. Available for wide range of capacities and purposes.

System components

UV-C light

UV-C devices are essential in reducing bacterial growth in aquatic research systems. We provide complete set-ups or single parts.

System components

LED Lighting

LED lighting is available with ZEBCARE in any light spectrum and is programmable to meet natural conditions

System components


Aeration of the system water is essential for optimal growth in many fish species.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to request an invoice, just send us an email! Or contact us via the following phone number: